Have you ever been sitting in church or small group and heard a word or phrase you've heard before but have never really understood? You know, those words you feel like you should know but aren't quite sure about, do you have any of those?
I'm working on a sermon series for this Fall entitled "#ChurchWORDS". The point of this series is to alleviate the uneasiness or confusion surrounding some words we use and hear in different church settings. Whether it is a Bible study, small group or worship service, what are those #ChurchWORDS that leave you wondering exactly what they mean? I would love to hear from you those words that you aren't quite sure about. My hope is to use your input in putting together this sermon series so please feel free to contact me by dropping a comment here (anonymously if you prefer) or email me: matt@castletonumc.org. I look forward to hearing your #ChurchWORDS.
July 23, 2010
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You can always go after the words that preachers shouldn't use, but sometimes do anyway (like eschatology, ecclesiology, etc.). Also, and probably more useful, are some of the #ChurchWORDS that are more likely to come, but still confusing (sanctification, justification).
But I wouldn't bother getting into transubstantiation.
JAy.: thanks for the read and comment.
great suggestions, especially the ones "preachers shouldn't use, but sometimes do anyway".
Church; salvation; accept Jesus; believer; sin; righteous
Kathy: thanks for sharing a few solid suggestions.
When reading 1 Tim last week this caught my eye:
1 I exhort therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings, be made for all men
Been wondering if there is a difference between a prayer, intercession, and supplication or if they're synonymous. I looked at several other translations and many don't even use those specific "church words."
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