January 18, 2013

Insights from Daniel 1-3

I just started a 4-week study through the book of Daniel at Sunrise and thought I might share a couple thoughts from the study each week. Feel free to join us by reading 3 chapters a week and share your thoughts and questions. Next week we'll be reading chapters 4-6.

Reading through Daniel, it's important to keep these theological principles in mind: God's sovereignty; the power of persistent prayer; long-range view of God's plan; God's grace remains despite our disobedience

Chapter 1
-Even King Nebuchadnezzar's success was determined and allowed by God.

-Small steps of faith prepare us for larger steps of faith in the future. The courage of the 4 Hebrews to abstain from the king's food prepared them for a larger stand of faith to come.

-Even in exile, continue to practice your faith.

Chapter 2
-The stage is being set for the power, reality, and wisdom of God to be displayed for the entire kingdom to witness.

-Daniel enlists others to pray with him. It is a powerful to pray for and with others, inviting them to also pray with us. 

-When Daniel calls out the king's "wise men," he also points out how dangerous poor theology is.

-Isn't it interesting that by the end of the chapter, King Nebuchadnezzar is bowing down before Daniel?

Chapter 3
-We must be especially careful not to make decisions in the "heat of a moment" or in an emotional vacuum without input from those we trust.

Anything else jump out to you?