February 12, 2013

Insights from Daniel 7-9

I did a 4-week study through the book of Daniel at Sunrise and thought I might share a couple thoughts from the study each week.

Reading through Daniel, it's important to keep these theological principles in mind: God's sovereignty; the power of persistent prayer; long-range view of God's plan; God's grace remains despite our disobedience.

Chapter 7
-Despite what might happen or come, God is sovereign throughout all of time.

-Daniel continued to make himself available to God. So often we find ourselves being distracted and miss the things God might be trying to show us, despite our confusion.

Chapter 8
-Sometimes God needs to communicate the same thing to us in different ways before we grasp what He's trying to say.

Chapter 9
-A powerful example of confessional prayer and a reminder that even the great prophet Daniel was in need of confession before God. I have been incorporating Daniel's prayer as part of my daily devotional time. It has been quite meaningful and helpful.