January 31, 2009

2 Questions: Part II

Thanks to everyone that took some time to read and respond to 2 Questions: Part I. I've really enjoyed reading over and thinking about your comments. I thought there were some really great points made in response to the 1st question, I would love to hear you elaborate on a few of them. I found it interesting that no one used the word 'disciple'.

For me the purpose of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus.

Over the past couple weeks there has been some buzz surrounding 2 questions at our church and I thought it could be kind of interesting to get your thoughts on those very same questions. I'm not going to give any explanation or share any of my thoughts yet because I would hate to 'taint' your view but would invite you to comment and join in on the discussion that follows. Notice the 2nd question below. Please feel free to respond to either or both if you haven't already and you want to share your thoughts. I'll give you a few days to think and share and then I'll post some thoughts and ideas.

The 2nd of 2 questions is:

-What is the purpose of the church?
-What is a disciple?


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what a disciple is, but the word makes me feel uncomfortable in some ways.

It's one of those "churchy" words that we don't use every day. Interestingly enough, "servant" doesn't make me uncomfortable.

Matt Lipan said...

Anonymous: thanks for the read and comment. very interesting thoughts. i have to ask, any idea why that word 'disciple' makes you feel so uncomfortable?

Dinnys Thoughts said...

first question: In my opinion the purpose of the church is to be Jesus to its congregation so that its congregation can then be Jesus to the world.

second: A disciple is in its most simplified form is a student. A student learns from the teacher.

In regards to Christianity, Christ would be our teacher and we would be His students. The catch comes when the teacher expects you to soon become the teacher. The concept would be to make disciples that soon become teachers who begin having disciples themselves.

Matt Lipan said...

Dinnys Thoughts: thanks for the read and comment. i think you bring up a good point about the continuing process of disciple-making. the thing to keep in mind is that we must always help people become disciples of Jesus, not us.