July 22, 2009

Use Me God: Finding Your Spiritual Gifts Week 7

Here we are at the 2nd to last week(7/26) of our study entitled "Use Me God: Finding Your Spiritual Gifts". I hope you have found it interesting and helpful over these past few weeks. This past Sunday (7/19) we took a Spiritual Gifts Survey in class and had some good discussion around the various gifts the survey said we did and didn't have. I have plenty of copies of the survey if you would like to take it and didn't get a chance, just let me know (matt@castletonumc.org).

Here are some things to be looking at and thinking about over the next couple days in preparation for our class on Sunday (7/26).

Matthew 7:21-23
1. Would you call these people fruitful based on their activities?
2. What are these people missing?
3. Is it possible that you are doing stuff for God but aren't connected to Him?

John 15:1-8
1. What does it look like for you to "abide in Christ"?
2. Are you?
3. What does the pruning Jesus mentions in vs. 2 look like in your life?

Psalm 1:1-3
1. How often do you "delight" in God's Word?
2. Are you using this as a way to abide in Christ?

Some things to think about...
Over the past month, have you grown or declined in:
1. Love toward God and others
2. Joy regardless of the situation
3. Peace with your set of gifts and where you use them
4. Patience in the face of frustrations
5. Kindness in affirming and encouraging others
6. Generosity in willing to go the extra mile
7. Faithfulness in doing what you said you would do
8. Gentleness in listening to others
9. Self-control in being a team player

As always, feel free to share your thoughts and questions.

*this study has been adapted from the book Gifts: the joy of serving God by John Ortberg, Laurie Pederson & Judson Poling*