March 20, 2009

Henderson Settlement Day 4

We all thought it was suppose to be rainy in the morning but it ended up being partly sunny and a little cooler. We spent the day working on many of the same projects we had been working on earlier in the week. The group has gotten much closer as the week has gone on, which has been pretty cool to see. At night we had the privilege of listening to 2 guys play us some good 'ole bluegrass music...and it was SWEET!! Seriously, these guys were good and hilarious. This was the first time I had experienced this in all the times I've been here and I am certainly glad I did.

One of the things I've found really interesting is how I like this place more and more every time I come. The people are ridiculously nice, the landscape is beautiful, the food is not too shabby and the ministry meets the needs of people in very practical ways. This week more than any I have found myself wondering what it would be like to move here. There is something about the lifestyle that is so simple it is pretty attractive.

Here are a couple pics for fun, with more to come (all of which were taken with my iPhone).

Devotional Challenge Day 4:
If you want to be a leader, serve people. When people realize that you care more about them than you do yourself, they will follow you.